Sunday, December 11, 2011

Redeemed failure

The coolness of the morning is gone along with the camaraderie of the women who gather at the well. Upstanding women come for water during the cool of the morning or evening.
Noon not only brings the hot sun, but a reprieve from the stares and whispers for women like me. My hopes and dreams seem to have fallen into the depths of the very well that was meant to bring life through its water.

I hear the jeers. I see the disappointment and disdain in the eyes that do venture to look into mine. Second chance!? I guess after five failed second chances the stakes become higher to deserve another new beginning.
Funny no one ever asked me, “why?” Guess it is easier to discard than take a risk and invest.

Good, no one is at the well…wait. What is that man doing there? He is asking me…what??? He must be new around here. You a man AND a Jew are talking to me, a Samaritan…asking me for… a drink?”
Who is this man? This claim he can give me “living” water! This well has been part of our history for years. It is the best water around. Who does he think he is to offer me something better than we already have? How can he give me water when he doesn’t have a rope or bucket? Doesn’t he know how deep this well is? Oh, I get it. Another man who wants something from me!
I wonder who he talked to, who told him I would be here…told him about me. Here I go again…..
Oh sure, I’ll never have to come here again for water?! I won’t have to be humiliated day after day?!
This is going to be good…ok, I’ll let him talk…let him have his fun!
"Alright, Sir,give me this so-called living water so that I won’t have to come here ever again…this spring that just keeps filling my jugs without coming here.”
Wait, he’s asking for my husband! “I am not married.” There, is that what he wanted to hear!
GASP!!! He is telling me about my failed marriages…details that no one else would know! I certainly haven’t told anyone that!
Something resonated within me when He said, “I am the Messiah.”
It was like a fresh rain poured down and cleansed the dust from my inside
out. For the first time in a long time I feel…strange… hopeful.
This adaptation is taken from the story in the Bible of the woman at the well in John 4. Read it and you will soon discover this woman’s impact on her community drastically changed because of her encounter with Jesus. Jesus went out of his way, out of the “norm” for his day, and talked with someone who was viewed as unworthy and as a discarded piece of trash.

Are we not to do the same as Jesus did? If we just open our eyes, ears, and hearts and slow our pace, it wouldn’t take long to see people all around us who yearn for acceptance, hope, peace and restoration. Jesus met this woman at her need and didn’t try to clean her before he invested his time in her. He spoke truth to her and allowed the truth to set her free. He calls us to do the same, will we?


  1. This is good insight on how the woman must have felt. I never thought about why she would have been there mid-day, so thank you! I think Jesus knew she would have been there, that day and that moment, timing his steps as he walked to the well so he would encounter her. I'm thankful to know a God who pursues us, despite our past or how we are living now!

  2. How He longs and pursues us to have an intimate relationship with Him is truly amazing! Thanks JaeDubs!

  3. Taking the time to slow down and see the faces on the sea of humanity around us, or to find them behind fences, cars, shops, can be so hard. But that's where we are to go. Thanks Kay!
